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EYFS Policy

At St Peter’s it is our aim in the Foundation Stage to provide children with hands-on experiences that will enable them to flourish as they move to the National Curriculum in Year 1.

We look to:

  • Give each child a positive, worthwhile experience as they begin their school journey in which they can establish solid foundations to expand and foster a deep love of learning;
  • Provide a safe and secure environment in which children can take manageable risks to achieve their goals;
  • Nurture children so they have the self-belief that they can achieve;
  • Develop each child’s social and emotional skills so they become strong independent learners who can communicate clearly;
  • Enable each child, through high quality provision, positive learning experiences and high expectations, to meet their potential;
  • Offer a structure for learning that follows children’s interests from a range of different starting points and allows opportunities to extend learning;
  • Allow children opportunities to build strong relationships that they can take with them through school;
  • Challenge children in a way that excites them to learn;
  • Give children first hand experiences that will support their learning.