Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)
At St Peter’s we seek to realise the potential of each individual in a supportive and caring environment. We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, Christian commitment and sensitivity, and in partnership with the family and community, encourage all positive aspects of education and social development. Together we strive for high academic standards and to provide a wide variety of experiences to promote interests, life skills, confidence, and responsibility now and for later years.
All members of staff in school have responsibility for maximising the achievement and opportunity of all learners including those with SEND. Specifically, all teachers are teachers of pupils with special educational needs. Staff are aware of their responsibilities towards all learners and a positive and sensitive attitude is shown towards all pupils at all times.
Who's Who?
Special Educational Needs & Disability Coordinator (SENDCO)
Our current SENDCO is Mrs Rebecca Singleton who started at St Peter's in September 2024 bringing 13 years' experience as a SENDCO and holds the NASENCO award. Mrs Singleton is full time and a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) in school. She is also one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL).
Tel: 01257 262 625
Email: sendco@stpeters.lancs.sch.uk
SEND Governor
A member of the school's governing body is appointed to have particular oversight of special educational needs provision within school. At St Peter's this person is Mrs Leah Sharples.
The Role of the SENDCO:
Our SENDCO manages our special Educational Needs system, guiding staff in the formulation of Individual Education Plans (IEPs) in partnership with children and parents to ensure that effective provision is made. We have a positive relationship with our external agencies and use them for additional guidance, assessment and support when necessary.
The SENDCO regularly reviews the progress and attainment of all children. Identification of a particular need may come from these reviews and/or discussions with class teachers.
The SENDCO works closely with teachers and parents to plan an appropriate programme of intervention and support.
The programmes of intervention and support for children reflect the need to access the whole curriculum.
Staff are trained with regard to SEND and specific training is offered according to need. The school nurse team are available to train staff for any specific medical need.
School can bring in outside agencies and specialists if necessary to assess children.
Each class benefits from a teaching assistant and we have a family support worker and learning mentor to support children and break down barriers to learning.
Several members of staff have received first aid and epipen/insulin/diabetic pump training. Further details of our management of children with medical needs can be found within the SEND policy.