Learning for Life
School Council elections
Computer Safety
We have been learning about ways that we can stay safe when using different types of technology. We played a game to reinforce what we had learnt.
The World of Work:
We have thought about ways that we can get money. We can earn it by doing jobs and chores or receive it as a gift. We talked about jobs that we might like to do in the future and thought about how digital devices are used in jobs and every day activities.
What helps us grow and stay healthy?
We have talked about the different ways that can help us to grow and stay healthy. Eating a healthy balanced diet and exercise are important along with many other things including sleep, visiting the doctor or dentist and doing things that you enjoy. We drew our own ideas.
We then went on to look at sugar in our diet. Sugar is bad for us if we eat too much. We matched popular foods and drinks to the number of sugar cubes we thought were in each one. We were very surprised at the actual number especially with the coke and milkshake.
Mental Health and Well Being:
We took part in the Great Big assembly for Children's Mental Health week. It talked about how we deal with different feelings. We then did a chair yoga session to help us feel relaxed.