Raging Rivers:
We began our topic by learning about the water cycle. We did 2 experiments to help us understand the process - we grew cress and made the water cycle in a bag.
We have learnt about the different parts of a river on its journey to the sea. We created river models using plasticine.
Volcanoes and Earthquakes:
We have started our new topic by learning about the Earth's structure. It is split into 3 layers - the crust, the mantle and the core. We used a hard boiled egg to help us understand what the Earth looks like.
To understand how tectonic plates move, we used pieces of chocolate in custard. We were able to talk about what happened as the plates (chocolate) moved on the mantle (custard).
We created our own volcano using vinegar, bicarbonate soda and food colouring. It was a great way to show us what happens when a volcano erupts.