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Governor's Information & Duties

The Role of the Governing Body at 
St Peter’s Church of England Primary School

The Governing Body of St Peter’s Church of England Primary School makes decisions which are in the best interests of the children. The role of governor is enormously rewarding. Not only do governors bring their own knowledge and skills to the role, but, in learning how schools are run, they often develop their understanding of leadership. The majority of employers appreciate this and are supportive of their staff taking on the responsibility. In addition, contributing to the growth and development of a school and seeing tangible improvements in the attainment and well- being of the children is a satisfying and important contribution to the local community.

The governing body is responsible for the conduct of the school and we aim to promote high standards of educational achievement. It is the school’s accountable body and as such:

  • provides a strategic view of the school by establishing a vision and setting the purpose and aims of the school within an agreed policy framework. It appoints and appraises the Headteacher and agrees the school’s improvement plan.
  • monitors and evaluates the work of the school by reviewing the performance of the headteacher, the effectiveness of the policy framework, progress towards targets, and the effectiveness of the school improvement strategy;
  • signs off the self-evaluation process and responds to Ofsted reports as necessary. In addition it holds the headteacher to account for the performance of the school and ensures that parents are involved, consulted and informed as appropriate, with information to the community being made available as required.

In order to do this, governors need to gain knowledge of how their school operates through training, by attending meetings, and by getting to know their school community, for example through a visits to the school during the school day. Governors need to work together as a team under the leadership of the Chair of the Governing Body. There are different types of governor and so that staff, parents, pupils and members of the community can get to know governors each governor has provided a brief pen portrait detailed below.

Follow the link below to meet our school governors.